I'm piecing together an AMD system from odds and ends. I just got a
Duron 1.4Ghz chip when I swapped in a Thoroughbred Athlon XP 2100+ in
my dads machine. I have a somewhat broken Azza KT133XT mobo that
might work with the Duron at 266DDR FSB (as the manual hits at being
possible for "future processsors"); it is missing a heatsink clip nub.
It's missing the center one on the non-overhang side (ie opposite
from the side that has "Socket 462" imprinted on it). Thus, I am
looking for a late generation Duron spec'd heatsink that clips on to
the larger two (outer) clip nubs. Or, a mobo&heatsink/fan to use that
is capable of 266DDR FSB. I could trade something or pay a little bit
for a heatsink from a LUGer to save a bit of hassel before I go
digging through the bins at Comp. Swap&Shop or Surplus Exchange..
Best to ask here first!
(of course I'll be running Linux on the finished machine, if I find
enough functional parts...)