I need a home for an adult male cat. I can _*NOT*_ keep him!!!
He is a very sweet an loving cat. He _*deserves*_ a good forever home! If any of you can at *least* foster him for me (or know someone who can) until we ...working together... can find a permenant home for him both he and I will be extremely greatful. After all, (please don't start a firestorm over this) he is one of God's creatures, too!!!!!
All the "rescue" groups and no-kill shelters that I've called are FULL to capacity. There are not even "Fosterers" available through these channels. I've called as far South as Ray Town, West to Leavenworth, East to eastern Independence, Platte City, Excelsior Springs...the list goes on and on and on. I've been on the phone since 8am this morning...NO LUCK!!! grrrr!
If people would just Spay or Neuter their animals we would not have the Homeless Pet Population PROBLEM that we have!!! If these same people would be RESPONSIBLE animal caretakers for their 'beloved' pets, this would help, too. :|
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