Maybe you were already aware of this, but human farming has already been documented. Apparently they get people to provide capcha answers in exchange for pornography. I doubt you'd see a capcha sweatshop, though I wouldn't be surprised to see a asian cybercafe offer discounts for capcha replies.
On 4/17/05, Oren Beck [email protected] wrote:
Actually a more complex to manage but could be more effective hack may be possible. A "human decoding farm" Basic concept is the "signature" of a captchas type challenge is routed to a human - who reads and decodes it- types it in and is instantly rewarded by... The next captcha to decode. rinse lather repeat for 8 hours or more a day. But such labor gets cheap . After all when wal-mart self checkouts merchandise made in Bangladesh and stocked by robots we ALL may wind up being captcha decoders for a spam haus.