Seems to me the ideal way to go about arranging a "renewable energy" computer is to go the laptop route, since they're already set up to use as little power as possible.
The "low cost dirt cheap" method would be to charge car batteries off a solar or other renewable grid ("bicycle power" is inadequate to the task of charging car batteries, though it might run a laptop) and use them with an inverter to run a laptop's conventional AC adapter. Those with more electronics experience might be able to rewire the laptop to use DC power directly, but stepping down the car battery to the laptop battery power level might require enough complexity that just an inverter with the existing AC adapter might be more workable.
--- djgoku [email protected] wrote:
Reading on some solar panels that are out there I found these since my computer is using around 300 watts with monitor. I'm kinda confused on what Approx. Watt-Hrs / Day = 1200 - 1500. I know you just can't run your computer off these panels but you would need a battery of some sort for the panels to charge. But does that mean that it charges 1200-1500 watts/ a day so you would need a couple 700 watt batties or? Most car batteries are like 300-700 watts no? not crank just the storage part if that is what it is called.
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 06:58:58 -0600, Brian Kelsay [email protected] wrote:
Jun. 2001
Brian Kelsay
David Nicol <> 12/12/04 11:48PM >>>
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