I admit I'm still using a rather old distro at home, Mandrake Official 10.0, but it came with full MP3 support (both as audio files and as the audio format in a video file).
Someone on another forum lambasted my suggestion that the XviD video codec would play on any Linux machine by saying that most distros didn't come with MP3 support, making a lot of XviD videos play in Linux with no sound.
I went looking and of course he's right, Debian and Ubuntu don't have it for obvious licensing reasons, Redhat pulled support for MP3 back in version 8.0 and never put it back. Mandriva still includes support for MP3s.
What exactly is the official policy on MP3s? Is there an unwritten policy thats sort of <nudge, nudge, wink, wink> regarding allowing free software MP3 decoders/encoders?
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