Some of you may remember that some time ago we discussed making websites in Flash. At the time I strongly objected and suggested that some day SVG would be able to handle the resolution independent rendering which Flash offers without all the accessibility problems. Well I'm very excited to share that I think that day has finally arrived (or almost has).
Firefox 1.5 RC1 was released today and with it comes support for SVG. This adds to the list of browsers supporting SVG: Opera and Konqueror which is a total of roughly 13% of the browser market. Add to that the IE Adobe SVG Plugin for IE6 (85%) and the picture starts to look pretty rosy.
I have put up a proof of concept at [1]. Please give it a good work-out. It will not work in Konqueror <3.4, Opera <8 or Firefox <1.5. IE 6 doesn't allow rescaling fonts but it does display the content correctly.
I strongly feel that this is the future of the web and I'm looking forward to playing around with HTML+SVG. Let me know your thoughts!