On Sun, 2007-11-11 at 09:03 -0600, Monty J. Harder wrote:
But meeting at the public library also keeps down attendance. Parking is awful, and with Sprint Center and the P&L district opening, it is only going to get worse. The problems with hardware have already been mentioned.
What problems with hardware? I've never had even an eye blink at the stuff I've brought in and carried out. (Desktops, laptops, bags of wires and parts, and game consoles)
Heck, I work downtown and live five minutes away from the library, and *I* hate dragging my carcass out there in the evening (which is why I don't go to meetings). I can't imagine how much groaning must ensue from folks who actually have to drive in from elsewhere (and fight traffic the whole way).
I've found it very easy to get to and park. All the traffic is heading out of downtown, not into it.
As for the commercial neutrality thing.
Furthermore, the KCLUG might increase membership and activity by taking a more friendly approach to vendors.> do.
To my knowledge, we've never turned down a vendor.