--- "Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO" wrote:
... If someone got 100% on this test, I'd assume they can write their own macros to complete tasks and can remember exactly how to do mail-merge in whatever version of Office. MS tends to change how to mail-merge from version to version or move it around in the menus.
Correction: MS tends to change how <insert any task on any app> from version to version or move it around in th menu or change/remove the shortcut key from version to version.
Something that is also beginning ot happen in certain OSS products. But the thing that annoys me the most is that some OSS graphical tools use strange shortcut keys that don't jive with the shortcut keys of the GUI and thus one often has to remember 1500 different shortcut keys just to "find" and "find again" in <insert editor of the day>. I mean really how intuitive is <ctrl><g> to "find again" some text in a page? thank you BlueFish. Not!
Brian D.
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