Get with Cymor and interrogate him about what Debian does exactly. When I do an upgrade, if a package has a config file and the author has added new default features, the apt/dpkg system compares it to your config file to see if you have customized it yet. I've been told the best thing to do is to say no to an update of the config file to preserve your changes. I have chosen on one box to look at the changes, but got a bit lost. I assume that once you are familiar w/ a given pkg, you could change this stuff on the fly to get new features.
Brian Kelsay
Gerald Combs <> 03/23/05 11:00PM >>>
Dave Hull wrote:
There are system administrators who use version control for config files. It's not just for breakfast anymore.
Out of curiosity, are there any distros that version-control configuration files out of the box?