--- "D. Joe Anderson" [email protected] wrote:
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 05:46:28AM -0700, Leo Mauler wrote:
The label is my own invention incorporating the
KCLUG logo and
the KCLUG website URL, loosely based on a KNOPPIX
CD label
from the Phoenix LUG.
Cool. Got link?
I always like seeing what people put together for this sort of thing.
I'm embarassed, I don't have a Linux label printer. :(
I just did it up with something free that came with CD Stomper. No doubt there were leftovers from ITEC, and I'm going to try to come to the next meeting with some CDs I did of DamnSmallLinux 0.8.2, using the same general label.
I used Monty's new KCLUG logo.
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