-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Phil Thayer Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:57 PM To: Luke -Jr; [email protected] Subject: RE: Recycling subject lines saves trees (was Re: Stop editingthedamnsubject (was Re: The End Of Western Civilization(wasRe:RoadRunner nonsense (was Re: fwd: RE: STFU RE))
That is only true to a limited extent. You omit to consider that Islam is false. When taken into consideration that only one religion is in fact true, you will realize that heresy, as well as morality and such, as quite objective.
True. There is only one true religion. That would be the one that a
person believes to be true.
Whatever that religion may be. Which is all relative to that person.
So what about the concept of Absolute or Universal or Objective Truth? If I'm reading your statement above, you're saying that there is NO Absolute Truth. Is that a true statement?