On Tuesday 23 January 2007 09:13, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
I call BS. Over and over again, I have pointed you to DamnSmall Linux (DSL). http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ At the risk of sounding like a broken record, they have "50MB of Penguin Power." There should be no barrier to entry for a user getting DSL. It is so small that anyone can download it. Hell, Microsoft distributes OS patches that are four times larger!
All of this may be seen as irrelevant since arguably DSL lacks a DE (or at least WM) that is easier than Windows.
One guy even got DSL running on a 486 with >32MB of RAM.
... >32 MB of RAM? that's most computers these days ;)
And to Luke: So what if your little blinky lights on your shiny new laptop don't work. Same goes for the 3d hardware acceleration.
Wireless is more than mere lights, in case you didn't know this yet.
These are illegal.
Keep writing letters to the hardware manufacturer to get Linux support, whether it is GPL drivers or scanner software that works with *nix.
Never had a problem with scanning in *nix, except HP's junk that tries to be 2-in-1 with a single driver (which means installing userland stuff to manage splitting it up).
Luke and Chuck need to take a few college courses on government and history as they are a bit mixed up.
Right... so we can read and learn the rewritten versions of history.