On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Luke -Jr [email protected] wrote:
On Wednesday 12 March 2008, Jon Pruente wrote:
The "truth" is that the sun will rise tomorrow. But the more "full truth" is that the Earth will keep spinning and our side will eventually be turned towards the Sun again.
Don't you mean that the Sun will keep orbitting the Earth and eventually rotate back toward our part?
Geocentrism as a point of view means that your question would be right. Heliocentrism as a point of view means the mine is. However, they both illustrate different views of the same effect, and thus illustrates my point on truth. A persons view on truth depends highly on where they start looking at it, no mater what the actual workings of that truth are. Knowing the "full truth" requires perfect knowledge, and as most Christians believe than man is an imperfect being, we cannot posses "full knowledge" and thus anything and man claims to know is only a subset of the Truth, mitigated and/or biased by his point of view. This also leads us into the sciences with the Uncertainty Principle; in the physical world, we can't know everything. So, even in a non-religious context we are unable to attain "full knowledge" and thus fulfill my POV claim.
POVs as related to operating systems also illustrate why flame wars happen. One old friend of mine used to have a "CrApple" sticker on his car. Now he totes around a MacBook as his main rig. Different POVs, different times. Back in the day, Mac OS was a POS for many things...