My wife just lost a big chunk of a document she was working on on her
Windows machine. She wouldn't have lost it, however, if I'd rigged her
box to do a nightly backup to a CVS server or something of the sort on
my Ubuntu box. I'm going to setup
something like that now, but I'd like your suggestions on just
precisely what to use on each end.
Server side requirements:
1: Minimal upkeep
2: Backed up files accessible without much hassle on the server side
Client side requirements:
1: Easy enough to use if my wife wants to make an unscheduled backup or change the directories/files being tracked
2: Easily scheduled
1: The client side software should also exist or have functional counterparts available for Linux and Mac OSX
The client side automation should run through Scheduled Tasks/run like
a cron job, so that she doesn't have to have yet another permanently
memory-resident application in her toolbar.
3: The server shouldn't require more than one or two open ports
4: The network traffic should be encrypted, so that if I chose to do remote backups, I wouldn't have to mess with tunneling.
Any suggestions?
PS: already
pointed out Leapord's Time Machine, and got shot down. No new Macs for us poor folk. Might
a shot, though, if I can't find a reasonable OSS networked solution.