We're finally going to buy some 'real' server systems at my company and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with some of the hardware we're looking at.
The systems will be dual AMD Opteron (Tyan 2882 motherboards), with 3Ware 12-port SATA RAID controllers (9500S-12).
We use debian (ie: no pre-compiled drivers from 3Ware for the Debian kernels), and I'm wondering:
- - Has anyone used the current 3Ware drivers with linux (preferrably in a compile-your-own kernel environment)?
- - If so, what's your environment (disto, 32/64-bit) and how well do they work (speed, stability)?
- - Is anyone running the AMD64 port of Debian (sarge), and if so what are your thoughts about using this in a production environment (or should I stick with the plain x86 port for now)?
Thanks in advance!
- -- Charles Steinkuehler [email protected]