Thanks for both suggestions. I will try both of them.
Have a great week!
Jon Moss
On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
Rather than pipe the output to a text file, use the "exec" option of find to execute the symlink command - something like
find /path/ -mtime 48 -name '*.jpg' -exec -s /path/{} WhatsNew/{} ;
While not as elegant as Jonathan's solution, the following has the advantage or totally regenerating the new picture links when it is run - first cd to the directory with your photos:
----8<------------------------------- #! /usr/bin/perl system("rm -r newpix; mkdir newpix"); (@newpix)=qx (find . -mtime -3 -name '*.jpg'); print "@newpix\n"; foreach $_ (@newpix) { chomp ($link =($_)); $newlink = "newpix/$link"; system ("ln -s '$link' '$newlink'"); };
print "\n\nDone.\n"; exit;
This will link to files created in the last 36 hours, the -3 (days) argument to mtime.