Should a poster listing Linux viruses have anything more on it than a list of the Viruses? The information on each virus varies from virus to virus, so it would be a little difficult to come up with common categories.
For example, "Bliss" is not found in the wild, but "Staog" was found in the wild in 1996. The trouble is that the vulnerabilities exploited by "Staog" were quickly patched, so "Staog" has not been seen in the wild since 1996. Security patches have resulted in a lot of these viruses no longer being able to infect modern Linux systems.
There are some interesting bits of trivia as well. "Slapper" creates a P2P network of infected computers; "Cheese" causes problems itself, but it fixes some of the problems that the "Ramen" virus causes; and "Mighty" is a virus with a built-in IRC client, and uses IRC to spread itself around.
So what, if anything, should go on the poster in addition to the listed Linux viruses?
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