On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 12:40:57PM -0500, Justin Dugger wrote:
Also, is there a way to set the reply-to on this mailing list to [email protected] instead of the original author of a particular sender? On more than one occasion I've meant to send to the list and sent a direct reply instead, so I thought I'd see if there's some option I'm missing that could help the absent minded like myself.
A lot of email clients include 'Reply to List' which sounds like what you want. I don't know if Gmail includes this. I know Gmail has 'Reply to All' which would also work.
Reply-to munging (e.g. changing the Reply-to: field of an email) is generally a bad idea because it can cause inadvertent replies going back to the mailing list when they should have gone to the person who sent the email. And it is more difficult to email the person directly if the reply-to is set, rather than using reply to all, as was mentioned.
For more info, Google has lots of hits on reply-to munging, and I think it's even been covered on this list before.