On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 08:44:41AM -0500, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
Anybody seen Xincom Twin-WAN routers used to combine Cable and DSL connections for combined bandwidth? I've only seen DSL used as a backup, with automatic failover at best, but In understand that the Xincoms can load-share.
I don't know about that particular router, but I had a friend in OKC who's employer paid for cable modem service, and his wife's employer paid for DSL service, so he got one of these. He said it was somewhat faster.
I don't know about combined bandwidth, but I'm sure if you were downloading several large ISOs or something, it would load-balance nicely. And yes at least you would get an automatic failover. If running a server, you might be able to do DNS round-robin as well. That is, if both providers don't block important ports.