Quoting Leo Mauler [email protected]:
I guess what I'll end up using is SQLite, as the poster who mentioned it said that it has an easy learning curve.
Haven't used SQLite, but I recall the learning curve for MySQL was pretty shallow. Hell, if I learned it anyone can. And if you have learned Linux then you can learn MySQL. I'm going to hazard a guess that the install base for MySQL is larger than the install base for SQLite so getting help with MySQL is probably going to be easier. I don't recall seeing very many books at the local book shop on SQLite, but there's plenty on MySQL.
MySQL also has an ODBC driver and I know it works with Access and Crystal Reports, etc. If you grab the latest version off of MySQL's web site, there's even a flag to enforce ANSI SQL standards so you'll be forcing yourself to use it in a way that's easily transportable to other ANSI compliant dbs... cough. All the big ones claim to be compliant, but there are different levels of compliance.
Actually, I think there's a web guy who might already have a MySQL database up and running, I'll ask him too.
Yet another reason to use MySQL, you've got someone within the org to turn to when things break, which shouldn't be very often, in my experience.
Good luck.
-- Dave Hull http://insipid.com