--- On Fri, 9/5/08, Christofer C. Bell [email protected] wrote:
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Leo Mauler [email protected] wrote:
Sounds like what you don't like about Chrome could be a selling point for managers and instructors.
a.) That's what corporate firewalls/proxies are for.
Then you should feel lucky you've never worked in some of the places I've worked, where the employer felt a brief browse of the system logs once a month wasn't enough. ;-)
b.) Chrome doesn't do what's being discussed. It was mentioned as a wishlist item.
I thought the web comic explained that Chrome already had a separate process per-tab, such that one tab going down didn't take down the whole browser? Wouldn't that allow a ps to reveal all of the tabs?