--- "Matthew T. Eskes" wrote:
Jack wrote:
My internet server is being actively attacked. I now have a list of 130 addresses attempting to break into my server. Sometimes very aggressivley. I have many of these address blocked, but I am concerned with performance degrading of my server if I block
of these addresses and continue to add more on a regular basis. Anyone have any suggestions? There's really nothing on the server worth attacking, but
is my mail server.
I would get that box offline *now*, backup all the info and reinstall.
Taking the box offline would take down my mail server. I use this yahoo account for kclug, but I get all my regular mail through accounts on my mail server. I didn't say the box has been compromised, I just want advice on blocking these attacks as much as possible. But I don't want to bring my box to a crawl to do it.
Thanks, Brian D.
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