Nudity is cool. Consenting adults doing what they want in their own space is cool. People, and especially the government, need to stay out of other people's business. If Jimmy wants to watch a Thai ping-pong show at 3am (OMG what am I doing up so late?), that's his business.
As far as what "porn" is, it's purely subjective, though I personally could do without the gross stuff (2girls1cup anyone?). I think any argument about what is "porn" and what is "art" is the height of stupidity. It's like arguing who's better, Metallica or Pink Floyd - it's purely subjective.
Feel free to make me laugh with stories of "porn addictions" and so forth.
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Luke -Jr [email protected] wrote:
It seems you need to review the difference between nudity and porn...