On Mon, January 10, 2005 11:34 am, Brian Densmore said:
FYI: 2.6 is not a development kernel, per definition. 2.6 is the current "stable" kernel and 2.4 is the "deprecated" (or whatever they call it) kernel. I've had no major issues with 2.6, but not something I would use on a production machine. IIRC, there is no current development kernel? There is no 2.7 right? Any ideas when if they are going to begin work on the next development kernel? Or are they just going to keep tweaking 2.6 until it's really stable? Did they pull a Microsoft on us with 2.6? What's your /opinion?
Here's no 2.7 development tree because Linux hasn't forked it from 2.6 yet. I think the plan is to keep plugging away at 2.6 before jumping to 2.7. My opinion is that it is better to stablize 2.6 before rocking the boat again.
And by defination, 2.6 is 'stable'. I use 2.6 with udev, and it's just too sweet.