On 1/27/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:
I moved all the way back to KC to attend KCLUG meetings, and I've already missed two.
I could set up some sort of reminder myself, but it might be more useful to have an automated mailer send messages out to the group at large or a second mailing list. Can the list admin set up a second list, perhaps kclug-announce, with announcements about forthcoming meetings 24 hours prior, and announcements about special events as needed?
PS: If anyone's wondering, I'm good and settled now, up in NKC. At my apartment complex, the only ISP options were SBC and Roadrunner. As the reason Speakeasy was unable to provide service was that my area was on an SBC DSL repeater to which they didn't have access. Not having any interest in being on an overloaded repeater, I went the TW route.
I have found TimeWarner RoadRunner to be quite good myself. Do note however, that they block of port 631