Some don't care about the decor and want a inexpensive, utilitarian environment.
And this is exactly the target market for this idea, imho. For the poor and for grandma. And some grandmas will pay a premium for it (to subsidize the poor? see LawrenceFreenet.org).
Give me a browser (with flash, adobe), email, media viewing (pics/video), and maybe a gnucash (quicken), and a backup that just works.
No OS wars, just an internet appliance that allows me to experience the internet - see, hear, contribute, communicate.
I thought seriously about an enterprise similar to this. My lazy self over-ruled my business self in the end. (I was in my own business for seven years in a previous life). Steady paychecks are not readily dismissed
anymore - kids are going to college now...
Wage Slave.
Why don't they call layoffs 'emancipation'?
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Billy Crook
<[email protected]> wrote:
Oh, but they sure do enjoy the funny commercials, Mac users.... The
rich ones already have macs, and enjoy having overpaid. The poor ones,
if you could distract them from wearing black clothing for a few
minutes would be the target audience.
Well, for fear of turning this into a Mac/PC flame^H^H^H^H^Hfunfest, I ought to point out that there's more to a Mac than just style and cost.
I've had the opportunity to have worked professionally on PCs running Windows, Macintoshes, PCs running Linux, and various commercial Unix offerings on their hardware. Oddly enough the time I felt most productive and enjoyed the experience the most was when
I was on a Mac. And that was MacOS 7.x, when they were slow and had cooperative multitasking.
I think the reason that this issue (Mac vs PC) has such a wide variety of opinions has more to do with what people value in their computing experience. Some don't care about the decor and want a inexpensive, utilitarian environment. Others are the opposite.
Others have even more different opinions.
Anyhow, I've always enjoyed Macintoshes (and I don't even own one right now). I also enjoy spending a bit more money for Sony televisions. Yes, I could have gotten a Toshiba TALEN for much less, but the fit and finish and the overall quality of the experience
on my Sony is better, and for _me_ it was worth it to spend more money to get it.
I'm sure others are different.
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine