On Wed, October 27, 2004 4:22 pm, Brian Densmore said:
Not that I care, I won't be buying one, I have no use for a HD card in my Linux machine.
See http://www.eff.org/broadcastflag
"We have until July 1, 2005, to buy, build, and sell fully-capable, non-flag-compliant HDTV receivers. Any receivers built now will "remain functional under a flag regime, allowing consumers to continue their use without the need for new or additional equipment." [PDF] Any devices made this year can be re-sold in the future."
I think I read several issues back in Linux Journal that they are going to have some HDTV capturing projects, but they won't work with the flag-compliant cards. Buying a non-flag-compliant HDTV tuner now with allow you the chance to use it will open source. I'll put it this way: if you think you might ever want to play with HDTV capturing, buy a non-flag-compliant tuner before Jul 1. After that, they'll probably go for a lot on ebay. Also, I believe that the FCC has mandated that all through-the-air broadcasts will be HD by 2007, if you take much stock in that.
To answer someone's question, the cost of the HD-3000 HDTV tuner from pchdtv.com is $189.89. It also appears to be compliant with SD (standard def?) broadcasts, but I could be wrong.
I also noticed that this card "supports all 18 ATSC compliant digital formats." Does that mean that this supports digital cable or HD channels on digital cable like someone suggested?
Here's the link: http://www.pchdtv.com/hd_3000.html