Or, perhaps it's the fact that 99% of USENET is spam, virii, and porn now.
I think it's going a bit overboard into making this about The Man Keeping Us Down. I think the only real issue is that an individual state passed a ruling which has national impact.
Those companies ditched USENET because very few people still use it and most of them are people are looking for pornography. A few legitimate folks still use USENET, but let's be honest here - it's been 8 years or so since it was relevant.
I don't blame them for dropping their support, they don't want to have to filter access based upon their customer's location, and USENET isn't a money-making service for them.
If you're going to pick a cause to fight for, it shouldn't be to save USENET, especially since I doubt many of you here actually use it any more (unless you're looking for porn, but then again most of those folks have moved to Torrents).
On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Julie [email protected] wrote:
While I comprehend Jonathan's explanation of "The AOL Ruling", etc. I totally and completely agree with Ty in that the ISPs are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
First it's Newgroups. WHAT will be NEXT????? No, I don't use a newsgroup.... ... ...don't even know how or have any interest in them. But what I do know is that Draconian laws like the AOL Ruling are what ISPs should be fighting, not us...their PAYING customers!!!
<Steps up onto soapbox>
Think about this:
Back in the day, the internet was a GREAT thing!!! People could _*freely*_ learn and exchange ideas with ease. The Genie had been let out of the bottle!!! Now, govs all around the world are desperately trying to re-bottle that Genie!
Simply look at _*all*_ the new laws being drawn up and put into place to stiffle the internet in just about every country in the world. It doesn't stop with the internet, either.
Look at TV programing and the way that Cable and Satellite companies "tier" their channels into sections with the least educational channels being at the cheapest levels while the most educational channels are a lot more expensive.
NOW, with DTV becomming *law* the poorest must pay just to get what is SUPPOSED to be FREE and has been since its inception. Yet _more_ 'censorship'/whatever you want to call it.
Radio is coming next. Just watch and see..........
It seems that with all of this, the NWO is becoming closer and closer to completely shutting down the freedom of electonic expression except for their own nefarious purposes.
After all, a dumb population is an EASIER population to CONTROL!!!!!
Yes, Ty, I'll call TW and rant the daylights out of them. But ya know what? MOST people probably don't even know their libertys are being taken away from them in this way. Therefore, the few of us who do AND *ACTUALLY* let our voices be heard are going to seem somewhat moot. In addition, where are we to go to get back what we lost? Just look at the way we have runaway gov "victimizing" our Constitutional Rights as it is and you'll see the answer clearer than you already $do.
<Steps down off of soapbox now>
Please excuse the rant, but I feel better now. ; )
Freedom means you are free to be responsible ~ Russell Means 'Free to be Responsible' Speech: http://www.russellmeans.com/ ("Speeches" button > scroll down - wink)
If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. ~ Chief Dan George: http://www.indigenouspeople.net/dangeorg.htm
Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. ~ Black Elk, Oglala Lakota Holy Man: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Black_Elk
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