The problem is not making it work with the X drivers on the system, it’s making it into a product that you can deploy to an end user.   This means a friendly calibration utility and configuration options tools.  The free stuff from, the file is woefully incomplete.      


I see you don’t like 3M.  Make a request for their source code, you will have to sign an NDA but with source they work pretty well. 

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: X with touchscreen monitors


I have worked with the Elo drivers before.  These days (considering you have a newer Elo touch) you use the drivers in X.  You can find how to setup the drivers at:


The newer versions of X (4.x.x) include some Elo drivers that should work.  That is what Elo suggests using.  Just look for the input driver as instructed and see if it works.  Otherwise, I would look up the particular model of Elo and try googling for it from there.

I'm glad you asked about Elo's instead of 3M touchscreens so I could keep my email message at a PG rating ;)


-John Frakes

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Siemens
Sent: Mar 23, 2006 12:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: X with touchscreen monitors

Does anyone have elo graphics touch screens drivers and touch screen calibration utility for 2.6 kernels.  In particular CentOS 4.3, the comparable to RHEL 4, updates 3.


I can make the touch screen work with the elographics X drivers but the right way is to use the package from elo which I have been unable to get from them.   It’s a kernel level driver and calibration tool.   The package would likely be called elotouch-1.1somthiing.rpm based on the little that I know.