Why not just look into older Pentium II laptops with Type II PCMCIA slots? I bought one a year ago for $240 ($275 after upgrading RAM from 64 to 128MB; $40 for the 802.11g wireless card), they're bound to be cheaper now and certainly by the time any city-wide program is implemented.
Using Pentium II laptops means its still portable, left/right-hander equal use, and the end user might even be able to afford one of them with little to no city/county/state subsidies. End users may not have the battery life for extensive use away from a power outlet, but even a Zaurus or Nokia phone needs a power outlet for charging.
I upgraded to 128MB to be able to run OpenOffice.org, but 64MB (or even a little less) is good enough for Mozilla. Depending on the office needs of the end user, Abiword and Gnumeric also run nicely in 64MB.
--- Jon Pruente [email protected] wrote:
My only problem with the Nokia is that is it obviously designed for righthander use. Stylus in the right and nav buttons on the left. Approx. 1 of 9 people will hate that setup, me included. :) It's not hard for me to use a mouse/trackpad with my right hand, which I do normally, but holding a pen or stylus is difficult.
On 6/30/05, Jared [email protected] wrote:
Wow. It just was released, and runs on Debian:
The Nokia 770 device will sell for about $300 initially. Now I gotta go find a city council who can sponsor all the poor people in the city owning one of these.
I've been thinking of this idea for years, now it is finally viable. Yay.
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