Let's go ahead and postpone the trial meeting for another day. It's just not worth it. If we start having regularly scheduled meeting here that will be a different story but this is only a trial run and is not what I would consider critical. Let's come up with another date to do this trial run meeting.
Sorry for wimping out on you guys. :(
-----Original Message----- From: Billy Crook [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:21 AM To: Phil Thayer Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: Setting common rules about weather cancels of KCLUG events.
Cancel or not, people are always going to find something to bitch about, so flip a coin, and go on with life. Just do the flipping soon so we know where we're driving after work.
On Dec 11, 2007 10:19 AM, Billy Crook [email protected] wrote:
That's a call you have to make Phil, since you or someone from Vital have to be there for a meeting to occur. After that, everyone can decide for themselves if they're attending. We could do
another test
meeting under less shitty weather conditions regardless. Half the people here haven't gotten to work yet. Personally, I
think the drive
in was a bid mild. IMHO, until it starts
sleeting/snowing/icing over
again It's not a big deal. Even then, it's a quarter mile
from one of
the busiest highways in the midwest. Perhaps the largest adversity would be a traffic jam.
On Dec 11, 2007 9:56 AM, Phil Thayer
[email protected] wrote:
I am really concerned about trying to have this meeting
tonight here at our
office. I don't think it is worth everyone risking
themselves to try and
come to a meeting that is not a regularly scheduled
meeting. Since we
cannot tell what will happen this afternoon I think it is
just better all
around to postpone the trial run meeting at Vital Support
Systems to another
day. Let me know what everyone thinks.
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Phil Thayer Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 9:07 AM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Setting common rules about weather cancels
of KCLUG events.
I think the prudent thing to do is see what happens
tonight and whether our
office will even be open tomorrow. If it is and I am
able to get to work
then I see no reason why we cannot have our meeting in
the evening.
However, if the office is closed or I am not able to get
to work then I
think since it is a trial run meeting we should call it
off. I will send an
email out as soon as I know something tomorrow and let
people know. I will
send it to the email list and post it on the Forum. That
should cover
On Dec 9, 2007 3:34 PM, Jonathan Hutchins
[email protected] wrote:
If the facility in question is closed, qed no meeting.
If it's open and
foul-weather driving skills are up to it, who ever
makes it to the meeting
the meeting.
Exactly. The only time we've ever cancelled a meeting
was because the
Library was closed.
This does raise an issue for impending test meeting. If
our hosts be of the
mind that the weather doth well and truly suck, how do we
find out? The
Library is the sort of institution that notifies the
TV/radio stations, so
they appear on lists of closings. Rather than fielding
calls from a dozen
or three geeks, I'd expect them to want to do something similar.
And given our proclivities, I'd expect we'd give Vital
Systems' management a
special login for kclug.org that allows them to flag that
night's meeting as
cancelled due to weather, terrorist threat, etc. without
having to locate
whoever has the keys to the Executive Washroom.
Definitely something to think about.
Kclug mailing list [email protected] http://kclug.org/mailman/listinfo/kclug