So far so good. Installed and updated Ubuntu 6.10 on a 40GB Seagate 'cuda, installed the Ubuntu supplied nVidia binary drivers for the GeForce4 MX 440 8x AGP card. Everything has come off nicely, except for me playing with BIOS tweaks and having to clear the CMOS to get the system to come back up. For a piecemeal system it's pretty smooth. Slune runs at about 35FPS, PPRacer runs between 35-50FPS. I haven't installed Nexuiz yet, as I don't play it, but I'm sure it'll runs very smooth as a test program compared to my old P3 machine. The 'cuda runs nice and quiet, but I need to kill some noise from the case fan. Ack.
On 12/27/06, Jon Pruente [email protected] wrote:
I've gotten a motherboard, a PC-CHIPS M963GV that "overclocks" the FSB to 800MHz. It's updating and installing a fresh install of Ubuntu 6.10 ATM. I'm still on the lookout for a set of DDR DIMMs. Nearly any DDR DIMMs that can beat an in store or online price might be useful to me. I hope everyone has had a good holiday weekend.
Thanks, Jon.