Leo Mauler wrote:
I had a motherboard die on me recently. I had a spare machine with no OS and a spare hard drive, so I booted up KNOPPIX on the spare machine and set up the system to copy files off the dead computer's hard drives onto the backup hard drive.
After about 24 hours only 15GB had copied between the two hard drives, with 30GB to go. I assume that KNOPPIX's heavy memory use was slowing down the file transfer, and I think I need a CLI-only LiveCD.
The most commonly used tools I need for such a LiveCD are network capability (including DHCP client), Samba support for mounting Samba shares on other machines, and "mc" to make copying functions easier, such as for Windows filenames with lots of spaces. If anyone knows of such a LiveCD, please let me know.
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Puppy Linux works great for this type of work. ~100MB download, easy memory footprint, easy GUI (JWM) and all the goodies you need for network, Samba, and the like. Try:
Good Luck!