Speaking ex cathedra as a Linux evangelist... We need to avoid going after Windows too much
I hate MS as much as the next guy,(http://home.kc.rr.com/mharder/surv.jpg
) and will engage in discussions of its weaknesses from time to time, but we don't need to do much of that. Everyone who uses a Microsoft computer knows what a pain it can be. We don't win any friends by telling them that MS sux. We win them by showing them what Linux can do for them. That's one of the reasons I wanted to see if my laptop could handle compiz eye candy. For the people who think Linux isn't ready for the desktop, we can show them that it is.
The closest thing to MS-bashing we should do is to show them that they can take older hardware that has no PRAYER of running Vista, and get a nice, usable Linux desktop, complete with Open Office, Firefox, Thunderbird, GIMP, and other fine tools that can make them productive without having to pay more for hardware that can run the expensive software.
. . .
Speaking of iron-on transfers. This is the graphic I use for mine:
It's a POV-Ray rendered graphic rather than just the branding iron stuck onto the canonical Tux. Somewhere on an old hard drive, I think I have the source for that, even.