I'm looking for someone to administer and update a commercial linux server I have been running for about four years. I provide email, web pages, domain hosting, and several other related services. This is not regular part-time work, but a way to make some money on the side. I have paying customers right now. I estimate you could make 1-4k per year working with me. You would not have to spend more than 2 hours per week, if that. You should easily make >$30 per hour.
I know a lot of friends and associates who would like more internet services, but I don't have the time right now to add the required infrastructure to provide these services. The work to add this infrastructure should take a skilled administrator only 2-3 hours (though it might take me days.) (One thing I need done is a spam filter.) I would do the work myself, but I am focusing on my main business, voice-control systems, and I don't really like system administration much. I like software engineering far better. I also really like selling and marketing my internet services. I have passed up a lot of business because I haven't added the needed infrastructure to my server.
Send an email to [email protected] if you are interested.
Thanks, Jeff
One note on my post. You will probably make far more than $30 per hour for your time on this work if you have a year or more sysadmin experience. Your pay per hour is unlimited since I am doing profit sharing.