As for the contest in ancient tech- I may be a placeholder by there possibly being an asr-33 in the bowels of my storage barn unless it got thieved by former staff ! That asr had been used as a paper tape drive for a swtp 6800 my classmate inherited in 1982.
Dang. I used to have an asr-19, which is a model 15 with a model 14 paper tape reader/punch. I gave it to a guy that had a collection of Teletype equipment several years ago. As I remember it still had an old tape in the supply spool that had a date stamp of 1956. I used to have this connected to an old Z80 CP/M box (Digital Group if anyone remember them) for a printer. Nothing like switching a 120V DC current-loop from one pin of a parallel port to drive the monster (darlington pair). Yee Haw, those were the days, writing the "driver" in Z80 assembly directly into the BIOS. I still have the computer but the Teletype is long gone.