-----Original Message----- From: lerninlinux
... How much farther ahead would I be if I'd picked up on more Unix and Minux, rather than toying with the speech synthesis!
Anyone say "shall we play a game"
Well then you must have been using an Altair PC. They really flubbed that free bit of advertising.
"How about Global Thermonuclear War?"
Or we could just play Tic-Tac-Toe.
Anyone know where to buy a remote controlled Pterodactyl?
Captain Crunch whistle? You'll notice they replaced the Captain Crunch whistle in the movie with a stupid piece of metal to "short" the receiver.
BTW, I understand they still work, but don't try it. You'll find yourself talking to an operator very quickly.
Ah, memories.
Brian "old-timer" Densmore
HeH......2600 became a magic number for it being the control tone used to "dump" one from a toll free number to the limbo of switching nexuxes Then by simulating an operator console you had the grandmaster key . The rest of the game was having a DTMF keyboard possessing the column 4 buttons ..... That and learning the codings which a little human engineering allowed one to use other skilled operators like a verbal man page for . An exercise in Google search seems akin to a flashback .... Statue of limitations is the only reason some of us don't belong to some big dude with the most ciggies . As for the contest in ancient tech- I may be a placeholder by there possibly being an asr-33 in the bowels of my storage barn unless it got thieved by former staff ! That asr had been used as a paper tape drive for a swtp 6800 my classmate inherited in 1982. IIRC the data was comma separated hard fielded ascii that would not be too hard to read today.