-----Original Message----- From: Brian Kelsay
... Maybe that is why Google hired the Firefox programmer recently, not for a Google branded browser, but for a toolbar and to support his continued Firefox programming..
Yes, I knew they were planning on joining the Firefox/Mozilla world when they did that. Frankly though, I'm a bit disappointed in them. They use Linux, but never spent the time or money to make a toolbar for it. They are big enough and successful enough they could have hired it out to the community a while back, at the very least. Kind of made my think of those Peachtree people with their response, "not enough of a base to develop for". Oh yeah not enough to develop for but enough to use it to make gobs of money. But how do you rant about a company that is both good to Linux and bad to Linux? Have they done more good or more bad?
Well, enough for ranting for today on this issue. Guess it's just a touchy subject for me. It's tough being an cynical idealist/dreamer realist.