Ask and ye shall receive. There is an nxclient that is pkged for DSL, but it is older, from 2005. You could drop it in a /mydsl directory on a customized DSL disk and it would load at boot. You can also do VNC at boot, see the wiki. You might have to alter the .xinitrc file. If you got ambitious, you could create an updated pkg of NXClient. How_can_I_have_a_VNC_server_start_automatically_at_boot.3F
-----Original Message----- From: Luke -Jr Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:24 PM
On Wednesday 24 January 2007 14:01, Jared wrote:
Eh... if DSL is so small, why does it need to be compressed to fit on a CD?
Because the CD fits in your wallet. It's a 50MB business-card CD.
Ah, makes sense. ;) But would would be cooler is a wallet-CD uncompressed that just boots to a NX terminal or recovery cmd prompt...