They pay me to take control of the machines of stupid people all day long. It's called the helpdesk. What a concept. Some people can't be bothered to remember how to do anything on their computer.
I also have relative strangers that are referred to me by acquaintances, that ask me to fix their computer. I frequently take said strangers PC or HDD to my home for sometimes several weeks until I get time to work on it. During this time, those people know I have complete access to it, but are so happy when I return it fixed that they pay me.
Brian Kelsay
-----Original Message----- From: Christofer C. Bell Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 3:20 PM
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Nathan Cerny [email protected] wrote:
Actually, there's companies that do similar today. You're just
calling it
stupid because you are smart enough to control your own computer.
I'm calling it stupid because it is stupid.
You would have to price it appropriately, but I think there's a market
remote administration. We do it for other companies - you're just
about expanding it into the private sector. You would have to figure
how to handle hardware problems and SLAs well as internet
requirements. And making it simple enough for the average lay user to understand.
There is no "making it simple enough for the average lay user to understand." You are saying, "give me money to take control of your computer away from you." RIAA and Microsoft are already feeling backlash for something *far less sinister* (DRM music) than handing over your entire computer to someone else -- and *paying* for the privilege.
This idea is unworkable, this idea is not well thought out, this idea does not take this cool thing called "real people" into account. It's a bad idea.
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO [email protected] wrote:
They pay me to take control of the machines of stupid people all day long. It's called the helpdesk. What a concept. Some people can't be bothered to remember how to do anything on their computer.
Yes, it's called "your job" and the computers are owned by your employer, not individuals in their homes. You are being paid to provide support for company owned computers being used by company employess.
I also have relative strangers that are referred to me by acquaintances, that ask me to fix their computer. I frequently take said strangers PC or HDD to my home for sometimes several weeks until I get time to work on it. During this time, those people know I have complete access to it, but are so happy when I return it fixed that they pay me.
Right, and you do not have complete control over their machines full-time while it's sitting on their home and they're trying to do work / play game / look at porn. You are not installing Linux on their PC and managing *that* while providing them a Windows VM to work in.
This "business plan" and what you do are nothing alike.
-- Chris