This is a personal challenge of a type we all should be doing absent any comment needed to motivate us.
It's a simple yet non-trivial tasking. Each time we make the effort to advocate the use of Linux and/or F/OSS projects ends as a win or a fail. With the lesser victory of at least teaching awareness to build mindshare. Thru positive advocacy and showing what advantages Linux and/or F/OSS have to offer. And doing so in a fashion where we abstain from trash talking other models of coding or licensing. Folks- do we want Linux to be associated with "those anti-profit freaks" or a more level headed perception? It's said one catches more flies with one fluid over another. We've all arguably been guilty of that mistake eh?
. If I've not been explicit enough? I wish to see Linux and F/OSS displace non-free code for ethical considerations alone. Arguing for or against the ethics of non-free code is off topic in this concept!. Let's *NOT* go there ok? so what's "On Topic?"
Posting the encounters where we or someone we know- Advocates a Linux world software for application - and how the advocacy resolves.. Did Linux become a preferred tool? Or did inertia prevail? I trust you see the intent. With that said?
Here's one of my most recent tries- first was a friend with a virus wrecked win98 laptop. Damn Small was demoed as able to get him online for email. then we did an overnight run of recovery tools to save the majority of his data. Instead of wiping his drive yet- he's simply not mounting it when he runs DSL in the toram mode. He's a bit hopeful his employer may yet pay for sending his drive to some mythical service. But - We have a newly minted Linux user and perhaps a KCLUG mamber too He's not yet fully comfortable with the Linux way- but in time?