Well it is really up to the developer to compartmentalize the code.
That is
what we get paid the big bucks for. As far as scaling, take a look at squirrelmail and phpgedview. Both of these PHP apps are quite
professional >and phpGedView is considered the best genealogy web viewing app on the >"market". They are around 8 and 4 MB of code respectively and are quite >well compartmentalized if you ask me. I have done some tweaking to the code >on phpGedView on my site, and have not had any problem understanding the >organization of the developer. In fact the hardest programs I have ever had >to debug and understand were those that were "compartmentalized" by a >program for the developer rather than by the developer. So, I consider a
language that predefines where to compartmentalize things to be a
To each their own though.
Oh I agree. All I was speaking for was my personal experience, which was that C# is easier to organize that PHP. Both languages I learned from books, and of the two I've seen more professional C# code than I have PHP. I should probably take a look at these two projects and see if there are any organizations tricks I can pickup from them.
Another thing is that C# doesn't force any specific organizational scheme; it just provides more mechanisms to do so. This is probably a by-product of being compiled however.
Although I've heard you can compile PHP as well; I've never had any experience with it.