I know what you mean, Luke. The state took my husband out of our home simply because he was under weight . I was told that if I fought them in any way that I would go to jail for "elder abuse". He (my late husband) WAS under SEVERAL doctor's care, at the time, but had quit eating. I couldn't get him to eat much no matter what I tried, but HIS OWN doctors ganged up on him and got him to eat just enough to start gaining a tiny bit of weight little by little.
The nursing home the state put him had a "doctor" who _*murdered*_ him through gross negligence! This nursing home then had the "castinettes" to call me about a $400 bill that "I" owed that "doctor". I told them, "that it would me _*MUCH*_ cheaper for them to forget about the bill than for me to hire an attorney and take them to court!!!" I never heard another word from them. BTW: While my late husband was there he was kept under what amounted to "lock-down". He was not allowed to even go outside for a bit of fresh air. I was not allowed to take him anywhere at all....NOT _*EVEN*_ to his _*OWN*_ doctors!!!
He was take away and put in that death trap in June of '04 and wound up in the ER in Sept. He died in the hospital in October...two weeks later! Need I say much more?
When I spoke of "liberties being taken away" I meant that in a general sense as well as the way it pertains to the subject matter discussed in my semi-OT rant. --- On Sat, 6/28/08, Luke -Jr [email protected] wrote: From: Luke -Jr [email protected] Subject: Re: ISPs, Newsgroups, etc. ...OH MY!!! To: "Julie" [email protected] Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 5:22 PM
Liberties being taken away? This is nothing compared to my situation with the state having illegally taken custody of my children on false accusations...