Ok folks-it's been rather amusing to see Truth's Decay curve at work.
Akin to a Star Trek plot where the "words' were Elided and rote parroted absent a true perception of their INTENT!
There was a night to paraphrase details - where someone was getting deeper into a hole arguing with Mr Combs about Ethereal. IIRC what it could and could not do. The summary of what I only saw/heard a fraction of was that a guest at our "Breakfast" was proclaiming himself- and -not- Mr Combs - as the area's top Ethereal expert... now a glance at -
Sort of sets the stage for what I do next.
Is the De Minimus obligation we should insert in public discourse RE: GPL issues. Some may not know of it. Others would profit from READING it. Before flames ensue -let's all review the concepts that begat this.
There was a flap over "Standards Groups"
It polarized the affected alignments.
WE began comment.
Sadly we ourselves began to become THEM.
We forgot to refer to sources! And even my well intentioned attempt seems pre-doomed for reasons best seen in hindsight..
I tried to express that the "Standards Group" was an assault upon the literal spirit of consensus. Seems I failed.
Maybe we need to revisit the RFC model?