Hey - what is the command to have Fedora list back the video card in my laptop? I remember Monty telling me the command once, but it didn't stick in the brain...
Michael Haworthmailto:[email protected] PAS Technologies Inc. Direct Line: (816) 556-5157
On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Haworth, Michael A. wrote:
Hey - what is the command to have Fedora list back the video card in my laptop? I remember Monty telling me the command once, but it didn't stick in the brain...
lspci | grep -i graphic
-=Duane http://www.dattaway.net
On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 12:57 -0600, Duane Attaway wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Haworth, Michael A. wrote:
Hey - what is the command to have Fedora list back the video card in my laptop? I remember Monty telling me the command once, but it didn't stick in the brain...
lspci | grep -i graphic
I'm afraid that won't pick up all cards (mine for instance). I would remove the grep part and just look through the results manually (with eyeballs).