Its kind of quiet, so here are some things to chew on:
1. I propose the Novell-Linux-Microsoft "mistake" in the news is part of a larger pattern of FUD, wherein well-placed reporters are assigned to specifically target the misconception of Open Source licensing, intending to strengthen the profile that hackers are trying to take over the world by being mean to little ol' Microsoft. Nah. I'm pulling your leg.
2. Omnibase Logic, a small high-tech company with a bunch of Ph.Ds on board, recently made headlines, being the first American company to capitalize on practical applications for ternary logic beyond the ternary search algorithm. They make circuitry which runs smaller and faster than binary, and uses less energy. Currently obviated by the discovery of hafnium, yet ternary logic will rise again a few years from now as the limits of hafnium are reached. A dollar invested today will be worth 100 then.
3. Kernel mode, user mode, and now guest mode. "Since a virtual machine is simply a process, all of the standard Linux process management tools apply: one can destroy, pause, and resume a virtual machine... This allows system administrators to manage virtual machines with existing tools..." Nice. The incrementalist and stable approach used by Qumranet and now in the kernel is much appreciated by this reporter.
And now for something completely ordinary,