Hello All,
First I apologize for this off topic posting, but I believe that there might be a few of you interested in this. I need to get out of my cingular contract because I'm not using it enough. Luckily, I discovered that other people can take over the contract (either as a new cingular customer, or they can combine it with the contract they already have, like a family plan).
Here are the details:
1 _Free_ Sony Ericsson S170a. 1 Year old. It still sells new for over $300. It's a great phone, just a lot more than I need. Here's a url with specs and a review:
http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=602 http://www.engadget.com/2005/02/07/sony-ericsson-s710a-review/
$55 / Month which includes the base price of $45, insurance on the phone, and limited roadside assistance. Both the insurance and RA can be removed at anytime to take the price down. There is about 11.5 months left on the contract. All of this is void if you just wish to add this contract to your family plan.
450 Anytime minutes, 5000 nights and weekends. Free mobile to mobile Over 3,000 rollover anytime minutes saved up! You shouldn't have any worries about minutes with that.
If you don't know how this works, the process is pretty easy. if you're interested in taking over the contract, give me a call, and I'll call cingular to let them know that you can ask for my contract. Then you'll have to call them and go through their process including a quick credit check (virtually painless). Then, the transfer happens, and I can either mail you the phone, or we can meet somewhere.
The phone number for this phone is 816.812.7158, and will be carried over. Unfortunately, Cingular doesn't support transfering a contract without transfering the number.
Please let me know if you're interested!
I apologize once again for the off topic post, but I figured that you all could appreciate something like this.