We have had blind Linux users in the past attend meetings. They use Lynx as far as I know and redirect to text to speech or to some sort of Braille reader device that uses a serial port. never seen one up close, but have read about them. We would need the static pages still and have them linked from a link that occurs at the top of the page so they could get to it easily. We have similar users here at the USDA and so all pages must be run thru Bobby and a couple of other validators. Somehow they make the stuff work, but we don't have a user forum as far as I know. A best practice that you may want to use, would be to have a static from page with a link to the forum portion or something similar. Kind of the reverse of having a Flash intro page, if you get my meaning.
Brian Kelsay
Steven Hildreth <> 11/09/04 11:52AM >>>
Is w3/wia and w3/HTML compliance a requirement of the replacement offering? Never was mentioned to me when I offered to create a new modern, dynamic replacement site.
No CMS stock package I have found (I have tested several for a previous project including; PhpNuke, PostNuke, Slashcode, eGroupware, Mambo, and XOOPS) generates either w3/wia or w3/HTML compliant code.
My position is that if it renders well in Mozilla, Firefox, Konqueror and IE that is ensuring a wide enough target audience. Sure the Links guys will get pissed, but realistically I think we should ensure operability with the 99% audience - not degrade the overall visual impression for all to appease the 1%
Other opinions?
Regards, Steven (Tallen)
Brian Kelsay wrote:
We have had blind Linux users in the past attend meetings. They use Lynx as far as I know and redirect to text to speech or to some sort of Braille reader device that uses a serial port. never seen one up close, but have read about them. We would need the static pages still and have them linked from a link that occurs at the top of the page so they could get to it easily. We have similar users here at the USDA and so all pages must be run thru Bobby and a couple of other validators. Somehow they make the stuff work, but we don't have a user forum as far as I know. A best practice that you may want to use, would be to have a static from page with a link to the forum portion or something similar. Kind of the reverse of having a Flash intro page, if you get my meaning.
This proposal violates the no-seperate-content principal.