From what I've read of Icecast, you can set the number of allowed connections. You can also set the bitrate of the file to lower the cost in bandwidth. If you wanted to keep someone from listening to it again, then you might do some things w/ a cookie. Better idea is to just let them download the file and listen multiple times if that is legal with the file you post. You don't really need a T-1 to serve it up unless you want 20-30+ users simultaneously. But I could be wrong.
Shoutcast also runs on Linux and can be similarly configured.
Brian Kelsay
"Brian Densmore" [email protected] 09/23/04 02:06PM >>>
Got a question. I want to implement a media player on my website. A 30 second audio. I have access to a T1 to serve it up, but I of course have bandwidth limitations for my box and need to be able to throttle the bandwidth used by the media link and also I want to track concurrent users and be able to throttle accordingly per user, or to reject users because throttling X number of users would make it useless. So any one know ways of doing this?