-----Original Message----- From: Jonathan Hutchins
... but right now I don't know what I _would_ recommend.
<best Horshack(sic?) voice> OOO! OOO! I know Mr. Kotter!
The answer is debian! </voice>
I'm not sure why SuSE wouldn't make a good server, but I haven't used it in a while. Last I checked, all the major distros had a server install selection.
I like debian because of the ease of maintenance, and the ability to install and activate only what you need. It's clean, stable and straight forward if you use apt to maintain the system and get on the debian-security mailing list.
Mandrake also has a server only option, but adds other packages that I would prefer not be installed on a server. Of course it depends on what your server is serving.
Then there is always www.distrowatch.com which could be searched for a server distro (such as Zenix to name but one).
Brian D.